We are here to support our customers in the industry sector. Our vision is to help the industry to manage, design and development more sustainable and energy-efficient processes and technologies. We are currently providing our solutions and services for pilot projects in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.

What we offer to our customers is a great track record designing, implementing and executing pilot tests in British Columbia and Alberta. So far, we have successfully designed, commissioned and ran over 10 pilot project tests. Our proven success relies on strong project management, engineering fundamental and high HSE standard practices.

At Enovist, we work for success. Our unique background allow us to offer integrated applied R&D, feasibility studies, experimental and computational design, data science, engineering design, agile project management, execution, and project commissioning with operators, vendors and contractors. We provide our Clients the necessary leverage to manage and implement more efficient and sustainable processes.

Here we briefly present a project case (picture below), where we took a novel and efficient process for a major energy operator from a concept to a field pilot plant in a time record of 1 ¼ year. This project involved running proof of concept testing at small scales, bench scale testing, upscale engineering for field pilot testing, construction and process design, direct coordination with construction and operator for plant construction, commissioning of facilities and operating procedures, safety and HAZOP reviews, and finally running and evaluating the performance of pilot tests.

The field pilot tests were a total success and this is the type of delivery we aim for.

Our solutions have been developed and implemented to create process improvements while using lean engineering, reducing GHG emissions, reducing energy consumption, increase efficiency and recycling natural resources.

We were just recently involved in a series of design, implementation, commissioning and running of pilot tests (Pilot Testing Services BC) that merged physical assets (equipment and facilities) with digital technologies (data hubs and data cloud infrastructures), where we were able to leverage the value of continuous data from remote physical locations to an office computer via cloud infrastructures.

Our Project Pilot Testing Services usually involve:

  • Engineering design, procurement and construction support to our industrial customers
  • Agile project management, coordination and construction supervision
  • Optimized project scheduling and project controls for safe and efficient project delivery
  • Multiple contract management, including contractors and sub-contractors
  • Integrated and multidisciplinary engineering management
  • Digital assets field transformation, using data lake infrastructures integrated with existing systems
  • Providing support to deploy, integrate and commission data collection systems
  • Providing on-site and remote equipment installation, commissioning, and testing

Some of the main KPI (Key Performance Indicators) we look at are:

  • Environmental and Consumables efficiency

  • Costs Reduction Optimization

  • Full Data Lake Integrated Solutions

  • Efficient and Customer Frictionless Applications

  • Remote Access from Anywhere

Our approach to Pilot Testing is agile. That means, is adaptive, flexible, fast (while safe), and released by incremental steps to reduce the risk and costs of implementation. We have done this again and again and it is a proven methodology that give us a competitive advantage. For additional details on our pilot testing, we just released an article explaining our success proven approach on Agile Pilot Testing