Customized Engineering Services.
Our experts at Enovist are reached out to support the implementation of more efficient technologies, maximize projects efficiency, develop new assets, and optimize existing projects. Our engineering work covers new technologies implementation, small management of change-style projects and mid-scale greenfield expansions.
Customers call upon Enovist to:
- Support the customized development and implementation of novel and more efficient technologies
- Design infrastructure assets (greenfield)
- Oversee modifications to existing assets (brownfield)
- Support the design of industrial processing facility, pilot projects or plants
- Support the digital transformation of our customer assets
- Support project data organization in a single source of truth and data centric model
- Our data infrastructure systems are ready to be integrated with data science and machine learning models to maximize the value of data collected through measurement systems
We help our customers to take new concepts or improvement ideas to field implementation. Thanks to our track record, we can easily identify any loopholes during a technology development and implementation to minimize costs and ensure a technology deployment success.
Our professional engineering consulting services also include:
Maximizing Projects Efficiency
Reducing opex and capex while ensuring long term flexibility, adaptation, and scalability
Digital Project Transformation & Data Integration
Digital assets transformation that go from single or multiple sources of measurement and data collection through a data lake infra infrastructure, enabling integration with visualization and process optimization platforms that can be accessed remotely from anywhere.